Call for applications Tassili 2019

Call for applications Tassili 2019

Call for applications Tassili 2019 Program

The Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) Tassili is an Algerian-French cooperation program. It supports collaborative research projects over a period of 3 years.
The funding concerns, particularly the mobility of young Algerian doctoral students in French laboratories and the mobility of French and Algerian researchers between France and Algeria.

The PHC Tassili is carried and co-financed by:
-France through the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI)
-Algeria, through the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research (MESRS).

The coordination of the program activities and its control were placed by the supervisor ministries under the responsibility of the joint Committee of Evaluation and Prospective (CMEP), made up of experts from both countries and two co-chairs.

Calls for applications for this program are launched on an annual rate.

This call for projects is open from April 12 to May 29, 2018.

It is available on:

Before May 29, 2018:

Before June 4, 2018:
The paper file, approved by the Algerian and French principals, should be submitted in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research - Department of Doctoral Training and U niversity authorization - 11 Doudou Mokhtar Road - Ben Aknoun - 16000 ALGER, accompanied by a digital version (CD or USB flash driver).

Types of concerned projects

The PHC Tassili has the following objectives :

  • The PHC supports the development of high-level scientific cooperation.. It is based on research and training through research in the framework of a collaboration between two research laboratories from universities, grandes Ecoles or research organizations in France and Algeria.
  • It promotes promotes the exchanges between researchers and teacher-researchers from both countries in order to develop long-term collaborations, to create networks and to facilitate technology transfer, the conjoined access to research networks and regional projects, European or international.
  • It supports training in research and by research through mandatory involvement in the projects of one to two PhD students enrolled in 1st or 2nd year co-supervised thesis, and by the optional involvement of doctoral students enrolled in 1st or 2nd year in co-supervision of thesis.
  • It helps to promote innovative research research that has an impact on sustainable development, on production and economic transformation sectors and tools, and on scientific research at the international level.

Criteria for research teams

Only applications can be submitted as part of the high quality scientific collaborations existing between the two countries.

The teams whose PHC Tassili or PHC Maghreb project is still running in 2018 or has been completed by the end of 2017 are excluded from the call for applications.
The same team can not participate simultaneously in several PHC Tassili projects and a project manager can not be responsible for more than one project.
The projects should obligatorily provide to involve a minimum thesis with two maximum cotutelle theses: this is a criterion of the admissibilityof the projects .
The Algerian and French co-directors should agree on the subject (s) of the thesis and the work sides will be carried out in each of the two countries.
The application file should include a written commitment from the co-managers to set up the cotutelle (Use imperatively the template«co-supervision agreement involvement [8]»herewith, and attach it as an annex to the application form).

It is mentioned that a cotutelle involves the signing of a cotutelle convention and a double enrollment in two universities (one is an Algerian and a French).
It is, therefore, necessary for the Algerian project manager to identify the candidate (s) for the theses so he / they will pass the Algerian doctoral enrollment contest during autumn of 1st year of the application .The cotutelle convention should be signed before beginning of the PhD mobility in France.
The provided projects requiring the mobility of doctoral students aged over 40 or the mobility of doctoral students fellow the program of PROFAS B +are not eligible.

Only the submitted projects to the research program are eligible by the managers emanating :

  • For the French side of the project: universities, grandes écoles or research organizations;
  • For the Algerian side of the project: university institutions or research centers  from the MESRS..

The project manager, for the French side, should be authorized to conduct researches. The project manager of the Algerian side should be of lecture level (class A lecturer, class A research teacher, professor or research director).
The partner institutions should approve the project presented by the teams and providing human and material resources necessary for its realization.
Only complete, duly informed and submitted files according to the deadlines and the modalities registered in the call will be examined.

Criteria of evaluating projects

The projects are selected on scientific excellence base and training quality by taking into account the thematic priorities defined here -above.

All disciplinary fields are eligible. the following themes will be considered as priorities :

  • Biotechnology, microbiology, biochemistry, hospital and clinical pharmacy
  • Chemistry ,nanomaterials , nanotechnology
  • Renewable energies and sustainable development,agricultural development
  • Industry (electronic , mecanic)
  • Lasers-Plasma
  • Mathematics , computing and digital , Computer Security, Digital Development, including Economic sciences
  • Spatial Technology, Telecommunications, Expert Systems, Smarts
  • Environmental, health, energetic, nutritional security, water resources, natural anthropogenic risks
  • Social and Human Sciences: urban development, employment, migration issues

The transversal projects dealing with environment and adaptation to climate change and / or involving socio-economic partnerships will be encouraged, whatever the theme chosen.

A special attention will be paid also to:

  • Prospects for dissemination and valorization, especially for development purposes (co-affiliation of scientific production, projects with economic, industrial and societal potential),
  • To the quality of reception facilities,to the transversality research, to their particularly innovative character and to the association of economic operators,,
  • To the structuring effect of the project in a regional, European or international network.

Committee of Project Selection

The program experts reserve the right to not examine files that do not include all the required documents.

A Joint Evaluation and Prospective Committee hold a meeting every year for the project selection.

An expertise of the application files is carried out, before the selection session, by:

  • the European and International Mission for Research, Innovation and Higher Education (MEIRIES) of MESRI (French side),
  • Experts, independent of CMEP, designated by MESRS (Algerian side).

From this expertise, a selection session of the projects takes place and brings together the members of the CMEP and the representatives of the supervising ministries of the PHC Tassili.
The classification of the projects is then established particularly on the basis of the expert evaluations and the scientific relevance of the submitted projects, regarding the priorities defined in this call of the projects.

From the selection session, the final list of the restrained projects selected of PHC Tassili is decided regarding to the annual budget allocated to the PHC Tassili.
The co-presidents will inform the project mangers about the results of the evaluation

Modality of functioning and monitoring of the selected projected

The PHC Tassili finances the selected on a period of 03 years. The financing is distributed between the mobility (from one hand (cost of traveling and stay) and , the logistical support.
from another hand. They agreed concerning the selected projects on on an annual base , that should be necessary taken between 1st January and 31st December of the concerned year and should be not delayed ,under any case , on the next financial year
An annual progress report will determine the allowance of the credits of the next year.

The average annual sum of the support provided to each project is about 20000€:

  • The French side contributes for approximately 10 000 € (in average 8000 € for the mobility and 2000 € for the logistical support ),
  • The Algerian side contributes for the equivalent in Algerian Dinar about 10 000 €.

The financing of the PHC Tassili projects is carried out by through credits aim to the Algerian institutions through the MESRS, which is defined with mobility credits or logistical support
For the French side the mobility credits are managed by the operator Campus France and the logistical support by the secretariat of PHC Tassili in France (University of Occidental Britanny Brest).

The project managers will take care in presenting a financing request that does not exceed the means that can to be allocated.
A summary table[10] to be enclosed to the application form.

A)The allocated means to the support of mobility

The allocated credits to the support of mobility cover :

  • The mission in French for the Algerian project manager for the implementation and the monitoring of the project :
    • The French side finances the subsistence cost by a per diem of 90 € / day for a maximum duration of 7 days;
    • The Algerian side finances the air ticket.
  • The mission in Algeria of French project manager for the implementation and the monitoring of the project :
    • The French side finances the transport costs up to 460 €;
    • The Algerian side finances the subsistence cost (reception, accomodation, restoration, local transport).
  • PhD student mobility: 8 to 9 months of annual stay for PhD students and per project are funded within the PHC Tassili.

The means are distributed as follows:

    • o The French side finances training stays in France for a period of 5 months per year, exclusively for the benefit of 1 to 2 Algerian doctoral students enrolled in cotutelle of thesis for 45 € / day, or 1350 € / month.

A 6th month can be financed in return for an equivalent decrease in French logistical support credits, on request, at the beginning of the calendar year

    • The Algerian side finances 3 months per year of stay in France (short-term internship) for the benefit of PhD students enrolled in cotutelle of thesis or co-supervision of thesis (only registered in an Algerian institution and this possible thesis in co-supervision) does not substitute a cotutelle thesis, obligatory within the project).
    • The Algerian side finances the flight tickets of the doctoral students for their stay in France.
    • The accumulation of a PROFAS B + scholarship with junior mobility is not allowed

As necessary, the doctoral student will have to choose between one of the available supports.

B)Credits allocated to the logistical support:

The PHC TASSILI is not intended to fully finance the research conducted within the project, nor the equipments that eventually are necessary which need to be financed by other means obviously identified when the project is submitted.
Each year, the French and the Algerian side provide a logistical support of the PHC Tassili projects in the framework of the mobility of project managers and PhD students.
The attribution of the logistical support is made according to criteria and procedures defined in a regulation of credit use

  • Logistical support to French laboratories allocated by the French side:

Eligible expenses:

    • Purchase of accountable small material and consumable products (laboratory products, slats, casts, geological samples, etc.), which must remain in the laboratory ;
    • Acquisition of publications, books and cartographic documents for the foreign partner (excluding subscriptions);
    • Costs of conference registration related to the mobility of project researchers or organization of conferences (in France or Algeria) directly related to the project (including the subsistence cost in France exclusively for the Algerian members of the project );
    • Costs incurred for co-affiliated publication of completed and duly registered work.

The mention of the co-affiliation and support of the PHC Tassili should be stipulated;

    • France-Algeria banknotes for French members of the project (excluding the coordinating mission of the project manager) to take part in seminars or seminars directly related to the project;
    • Translation, analysis and dating services.

Ineligible expenditure:

  • Office and computer hardware and software (such as scanners, printers, computers, ink cartridges, burners, CD-ROMs, USB flash driver, etc.), administrative supplies, secretarial and communication costs, fuel expenses and all depreciable equipment goods including computer equipment;
  • Mission costs (accommodation, catering, reception fees), whether for Algerian or French partners. They cannot, under any circumstances, to be supported by logistical support credits.
  • Logistical support for Algerian laboratories allocated by the Algerian side:

Eligible expenses :

  • Purchase of accountable small equipment and consumable products (laboratory products, slats, casts, geological samples, etc.), which will have to remain in the laboratory;
  • Conference registration costs (in France or Algeria) related to the mobility of project researchers or organization of symposiums directly related to the project (including the cost of living in Algeria, exclusively for French members of the project). project);
  • Algeria-France banknotes for Algerian members of the project (excluding the coordinating mission of the project manager) to participate in symposia or seminars directly related to the project.

Eligible expenses:

  • Office and computer hardware and software (such as scanners, printers, computers, ink cartridges, burners, CD-ROMs, USB flash driver, etc.), administrative supplies, secretarial and communication costs, fuel expenses and all depreciable equipment goods including computer equipment;

Intelectual property

It is up to the responsibility of project managers to take all the necessary arrangements for the protection of the intellectual property.
Read carefully the attached document [9], related to the good practices including particularly on the intellectual property rules.
The submission of the project includes the adhesion, by all the sides to these rules.
A confidentiality and intellectual property agreement should be co-signed by the 2 managers at the beginning of the project

Practical modalities of submitting a project

Before any request for information, we invite you to at the page of the most frequently asked questions (section FAQ and contact[11] »).

  • Launch of the application callApril 12, 2018

Deadline of the submission of the applications (only common file to both sides) on the website of Campus France e and filing of the PDF version on the MESRS : Before May 29, 2018
Submission Deadline of the signed copies of the application file and the digitized version to the MESRS - Directorate of Doctoral Training and University Empowerment : Before June 4, 2018

  • Meeting of the Joint committee of project selection: October 2018
  • Beginning of the selected projects: January 2019

Practical application modalities (online entry of the projects)

The application form should be completed jointly on the platform of Campus France:[6]

the application submission is common to French and Algerian partners.
It is done only in a dematerialized way on the website of Campus France by following the methods of entry on line.
The identifier for the created account should be under the form : name of the project_tassili coordinator.

To submit the application file, the French partner will open an online account and may then transmit the password to his Algerian partner so he can instruct and complete the elements of the application file concerning him

Note: the project managers are invited to submit their application in advance in order to avoid technical risks that compromise the submission of their application within deadlines

By filling out the form, the project managers will look after respecting the instructions given below and not to attach more than 20 pages of documents in the appendix.

  • In the section of "actors and partners of the project" of the Campus France form

Proposals are required to consider the signatures (Please use mandatory the template «Signatures and visas required ) [12]»enclosed, and attach it as an appendix to the application form).
Before validating their application, the two project managers should have obtained all the necessary agreements for the side they represent (Algerian or French): laboratory director, university president or institution director, theses co-director, other researchers involved in the project.
Concerning the team members, it should be present the researcher's scientific career as a form of a page summary with the last 5 important publications. It is necessary to attach all the CVs (maximum 2 pages) and the list of the participants in the project (Use mandatory the template «Project participants[13]» enclosed and attach it to the application form).

  • In the «project description» section

The project manager will distinguish the research discipline and application domain and will give, as an appendix, any additional or a documents considered necessary for the information of the expert evaluators.
It is essential to indicate in the sub-section "Objectives" the training by the research with the number and names of doctoral students. A description of the thesis project of each PhD student will be the subject of an appendix (1 page).
Furthermore it is important to attach an overview table in the appendix introducing the implementation schedule and the contribution of each partner to the progress of the project progress.

  • In the part «means»
  • The available resources (existing human and material resources, other funding);
  • Requested resources (logistical support and mobility):: It is imperative to use the template «Summary of requested resources [10]» enclosed and attach it to the application form):
    • o The budget requests should be realistic and clearly show the co-financingplanned / acquired / envisaged;
    • o The means requested for mobility are expressed in days..

Consult the modalities of entry online of application files

Contacts for the program


Mr Jacques DEVERCHERE, French Co-President of CMEP Tassili
University of Western Brittany (UBO)
European University Institute of the Sea (IUEM)
Copernic Square - 29280 PLOUZANE

MrsVéronique TERROM, French manager of PHC Tassili
European University Institute of the Sea (IUEM)
Copernic Square - 29280 PLOUZANE
Tél. : 00 33 1 02 98 49 86 71


Mr Carlos GOMES, mobility officer
University Service and Research
External and Institutional Relations Directorate
28 la Grange aux Belles street - 75010 PARIS
Tél. : 00 33 1 40 40 58 48

Mrs Amel DJAFFAR, Editor North Africa - Near and Middle East
Sub-directorate of Higher Education and Research
27 la Convention street - CS 91533 - 75732 PARIS CEDEX 15
Tél. : 00 33 1 43 17 80 23

Ms. Sonia JEDIDI, Attaché for Scientific and University Cooperation
25, Abdelkader Gadouche Road - Hydra - 16000 ALGIERS
Mrs Amina MAHMOUDI, assistant manager of PHC Tassili
25, Abdelkader Gadouche Road - Hydra - 16000 ALGIERS
Tél. : 00 213 21 98 15 27
Fax : 00 213 21 98 15 23



Mr. Madjid KACI, Algerian Co-President of CMEP Tassili
37, Larbi Ben M'hidi street - Algiers center - 16000 ALGIERS


Mrs. Rachida BOUALLOUCHE, Director of Doctoral Training and University Empowerment
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
General Directorate of Higher Education and Training
11, Doudou Mokhtar road - Ben Aknoun - 16000 ALGIERS
Tél.: 00213 23 23 80 21

Mr Messaoud KHETTAL, Deputy Director of Doctoral Training
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
General Directorate of Higher Education and Training
11, Doudou Mokhtar road - Ben Aknoun - 16000 ALGIERS
Tél.: 00213 23 23 80 70

Ms. Mama LAFJAH, Deputy Director of Bilateral Cooperation
Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
11, Doudou Mokhtar road - Ben Aknoun - 16000 ALGIERS
Tél.: 00213 23 23 80 86

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