National Research Program (NRP)

Executed Research National (2009-2012) :

Water and soil resources :

  1. Impact of the neo-agriculture on the quality of ground water and soils: case of El- Ghrous region [PDF]
  2. The use of geothermal waters of the Albian layer after the recooling of agriculture. Case of the region of Touggourt Algerian low Sahara. [PDF]
  3. Feasibility and biological treatment of sewage in the city of Touggourt. [PDF]
  4. Cartography and management of the rise of water level in the low Sahara. [PDF]
  5. Saline phases of soils of arid regions (case of the region of Loutaya) : features, delivery, dynamic influence on soils and plants. [PDF]
  6. Vulnerability of floods in the Saharan zones- case of the Ziban and the Saoura. [PDF]

Arid regions resources :

  1. Evaluation of palm date cultivation relative to diversity and phytosanitary condition of Algerian palms – case of the low Sahara. [PDF]
  2. Study of the sustainability of truck farming system in the region of Ziban. [PDF]
  3. Biological situation of the sheep race Hamra and the potential of its development in Algeria. [PDF]
  4. Tensiometric management of palm date irrigation. [PDF]
  5. Test of Safran production in arid and semi arid zones. [PDF]
  6. The ARgan tree in Algeria state,conservation and valorization. [PDF]
  7. Actual situation of the breeding camels in the south east of Algeria(case of the satate of El Oued – prospects for improvement ). [PDF]
  8. Degradation of the steppe and the processes of restoration, rehabilitation and the reassignment of its ecosystems. [PDF]
  9. Characterization and wetlands typology in the region of Oued Righ. [PDF]

Monitoring of desertification :

  1. Green dam assessment in the basin of Hodna: consequences on the desertification. [PDF]
  2. The techniques to combat silting: contributions of local knowledge in the low sahara of Algeria. [PDF]

Socio economic :

  1. Agricultural contract. [PDF]
  2. The hard work on agriculture. [PDF]
  3. The commercialization of agricultural products, fruits and vegetables. [PDF]
  4. The agricultural credit. [PDF]
All these projects have been the subject of the object of constant evaluation by the Scientific Council and an external expertise and restitution on thematic workshop held on 16 October 2012: For the objectives of :

Running program within the framework of the PNR:

National research program (NRPs) : being finalized

Attached distribution of the projects by divisions :

Division of Bioresources :

  1. Study of the phenomenon of date browning (var. Deglet Nour »), in storage progress in cold : [PDF]
  2. Valorization of food sub-products (date and beer yeast) in the Food Sheep Race Case El-Hamra: [PDF]
  3. Irrigation management by tensiometry in the palm groves of the Algerian East: [PDF]
  4. Dynamic and bio ecology of the date borer pollution in the palm grove of the Ziban case of Tolga : [PDF]

Division Water and soil in Arid Regions :

  1. Agricultural development in M'zira in Biskra and its impact on water and soil resources: [PDF]
  2. Quality of drinking water and detecting dental fluorosis in children of communities of Touggourt [PDF]
  3. Optimization of irrigation by potato pivot: [PDF]

Division of desertification observation :

  1. Contribution to the ecological scientific evaluation of the impact of green dam realization in two pilot zones – M’sila : [PDF]
  2. Impact of silting risk on the influence of the new railway Biskra Touggourt: [PDF]

Division of Socio-economy :

  1. Political diagnostic of relaunch of the traditional craft: example the region of Ziban: [PDF]
  2. Localized irrigation: economy of water and the increase of agricultural incomes. [PDF]

National Research programs 2011-2014 :

law n° 08-05 issued on 16th Safar 1429 corresponding to 23th February 2008 with the orientation law concerning the law orientation and the program to five-yearly projection on scientific research and technological development2008-2012, defined in its article 3 the the main objectives of scientific research and technological development projected for the coming decade. To achieve these objectives, Article 4 defines the titles of the 34 national research programs (NRPs) ,

In this context, the Scientific and Technical Research Centre on Arid Regions, four pilot programs as it happens :

The total number of submitted and retained projects amounts to 188 projects which required the mobilization of human and material tools to ensure their management (scientific and administrative)